Single? Foster Care Might Just Be For You Too

Single? We still need you. Children in foster care need you. So, meet Stacy, her story will inspire you..


Aimee Larsen

12/15/20242 min read

Has becoming a foster parent been on your heart? Do you feel the calling but aren’t sure if it’s for you? Join us as we learn about Stacy’s story of singleness and fostering. So many times others brush off the idea because they don’t believe it is possible. Stacy shares with us her heart and her “why” to stepping out for the children.

Stacy’s Story

“God’s faithfulness has been all over my foster care journey the last almost six years. I’ve always been someone that wanted to help people. It’s in my nature to want to find the one that’s alone and be their friend, encourage them, etc. As I was growing up, I knew I wanted foster care to be a part of my story… you know, after I got married, settled down, had a few kids of my own. THEN I would foster. THEN would be the “perfect” time.
As I started to reach my 30th birthday still single as a pringle, I realized that as a teacher, I had the perfect job to start fostering now. I struggled and prayed for purpose in my singleness and the Lord heavily place foster care on my heart. Two months before my 31st birthday came, my first placement came to be with me: two boys ages 4 and 7. They reunified and I am still in touch with them to this day, 5 years later.

To date, I’ve had 64 kids come through my home, ranging from 7 weeks to 17 years, with 16 of them being long term. As a person with no spouse or family around it was easy to let the thoughts of doubt come to my mind. “Can I really do this? Will I have a support system? Will I be able to be what they need?” I can happily say I have THE biggest village ever that helps me with whatever kids I may have at the time.

That in a nutshell is my story. With every child that comes in, I see more and more of why I continue on... the trauma, the need for love, acceptance and hope is what drives me to keep saying yes, even when it is hard... are the goodbyes hard? Of course they are... but that means I've done my job and loved them well... and I pray whatever impact I may have had on them continues on throughout their lives.

Through fostering, although reunification is always the goal, there are times when adoption is needed for a child and I was blessed to adopt my little boy, Kristopher! I will always hold space for his first family and I’m so glad to say we have wonderful relationships with his siblings and even his Aunt and Nana. Adoption has been such a blessing and I’m so thankful he gets a glimpse of what it means to truly love others well with our life of fostering.”