Flourish Foster Care Closet & Support, Inc.
Called to Love
They just thought they were closing their home to fostering after their latest adoption was completed. But their hearts had other plans.
Aimee Larsen
9/8/20242 min read

Meet a devoted foster family whose love for children in foster care was kindled by their desire to simply serve youth in their community. Join us as Brittany Hurd shares how their hearts were changed and their home was opened to become a haven for over 50 children and they aren’t done yet!
Where do I even begin?? Michael and I have been foster parents since 2006. When we began fostering, we wanted to be involved more with our youth at church. We helped with the teens at that time. We got approved to have the ability to allow boys in a group home come hang out with us at cook outs, youth trips and concerts.
They were our why!
We wanted to help in them having a more “normal” life while in foster care.
Our why began to grow as soon as we completed our impact training. Michael and I agreed how could we not help fill in the gap of all these children needing a temporary home? We had a lot of concern from family and friends. We had 3 young children and only in our mid 20s. For us, it was a calling God laid on our hearts and we couldn’t ignore it.
Almost instantly after approval we received a call! It was scary, exciting and so heartbreaking all at once! We loved those babies the best we could.
Before we knew it we had had 9 placements in our home over a years time! Then came a sweet chocolate eyed newborn. He wrecked our hearts! Never once had we disused adoption
. He changed our why again..
we were being called to adoption. At three weeks of this baby’s life we were offered adoption.
His story changed me and he filled a spot in my heart I didn’t even know was empty! We realized all kids do not go home. Who is going to fight for these babies??!!
Well 4 adoptions later we decide to say we will! We will love them and protect them as long as we have breath in this earth. They had absolutely no one and some how God saw us fit to call these babies our sons and daughters.
Our youngest is medically complex so after a year after his adoption we “thought “ we were closing the thought of fostering. I thought that part of our life was complete. We loved 52 kiddos, adopted 4.. We did our part right? God again said Nope!
So here we are 17 years later we are open and fostering again! It is ingrained into every fiber of our being. How can we not? What better in this life is there than to love the least of these?
Our “WHY” now would be just love them! It has been the biggest privilege to love these kids like our own and release them to those who are fighting to be the very best for them!